首页> 外文期刊>Quarterly Journal of Medicine >Multiple myeloma: causes and consequences of delay in diagnosis

Multiple myeloma: causes and consequences of delay in diagnosis


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Background: Myeloma is a serious and usually fatal haematological malignancy with reported mortality of 10-20% within the first 2 months of presentation. Symptoms are non-specific, and patients thus present to a range of medical practitioners. Aim: To analyse the causes and consequences of a delay in diagnosis of myeloma. Design: Retrospective case review. Methods: The number and type of disease-related complications present at diagnosis of 92 patients with myeloma were categorized according to the medical practitioner to whom the patient initially presented, the time before diagnosis and the status of the patient at study end in 2006. Overall and disease-free survival were analysed. Results: Duration of symptoms > 6 months prior to diagnosis was seen in 40% of the patients, of whom > 50% had initially consulted a general practitioner. The most common presenting symptom (67%) was bone pain. The most common complications present at diagnosis were anaemia (54%), bone disease (45%) and renal failure (36%), with the highest frequency of complications in the group experiencing symptoms for > 6 months. All patients in this group had two or more complications, while 40% in the group with symptoms for < 3 months had no complications. A prolonged time to diagnosis had a significant effect on disease-free survival from both onset of first symptoms (p=0.043) and from diagnosis (p=0.003), but not on overall survival. Discussion: A prolonged delay before diagnosis is associated with a significant impact on the clinical course of multiple myeloma. There is a need to raise awareness of the presentation of this condition, especially among general practitioners.
机译:背景:骨髓瘤是一种严重的血液恶性肿瘤,通常是致命的,据报道在出现的头2个月内死亡率为10-20%。症状是非特异性的,因此患者会出现在一系列执业医师中。目的:分析骨髓瘤诊断延迟的原因和后果。设计:回顾性病例审查。方法:根据患者最初就诊的医生,诊断之前的时间和患者在2006年的研究状况,对92例骨髓瘤患者在诊断时出现的与疾病相关的并发症的数量和类型进行了分类。和无病生存期进行了分析。结果:40%的患者出现症状持续时间≥诊断前6个月,其中> 50%最初咨询过全科医生。最常见的症状(67%)是骨痛。诊断时最常见的并发症是贫血(54%),骨病(45%)和肾衰竭(36%),在出现症状> 6个月的组中,并发症的发生频率最高。该组所有患者均出现两种或两种以上并发症,而症状<3个月的组中40%没有并发症。从第一个症状的发作(p = 0.043)和诊断(p = 0.003)开始,延长诊断时间对无病生存率都有显着影响,但对总体生存率没有影响。讨论:诊断之前的长时间延迟对多发性骨髓瘤的临床病程有重大影响。有必要提高这种状况的表现意识,尤其是在全科医生中。



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