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Web 2.0 tools and academic literacy development in a US urban school: a case study of a second-grade English language learner

机译:美国城市学校中的Web 2.0工具和学术素养发展:一个二年级英语学习者的案例研究

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This study explores a second-grade English language learner's literacy development and ability to use blogging for social and academic purposes, in the context of learning academic writing genres in a US urban school. Grounded in sociocultural theories, it conceptualizes learning as appropriation, and language as a dynamic and functional system of semiotic resources. Data included written texts, blog postings, videotaped classroom interactions, informal conversations, interviews, instructional materials, and school documents. Data analysis, using qualitative coding procedures and systemic functional linguistics, focused on appropriation of blogging and language use. The findings show that the child appropriated blogging to gain recognition for his social and academic status among peers and to solve problems. These appropriations enabled the student not only to construct new social relations in and out of the class, but also to have a critical view of linguistic choices, demonstrating emergent knowledge of the interpersonal function of texts and the interrelation between interpersonal and experiential functions. The implications of the study relate to use of Web 2.0 tools for emergent literacy development and conceptualization of digital literacies.
机译:这项研究探索了二年级英语学习者的读写能力发展以及在美国城市学校学习学术写作体裁的背景下将博客用于社会和学术目的的能力。它以社会文化理论为基础,将学习概念化为专有性,将语言概念化为符号资源的动态功能系统。数据包括书面文本,博客文章,录像带,课堂互动,非正式对话,访谈,教学材料和学校文档。使用定性编码程序和系统功能语言学进行数据分析,重点在于博客和语言使用的适当性。调查结果表明,该孩子使用博客来表彰他在同伴中的社会和学术地位并解决问题。这些拨款不仅使学生能够在课堂内外建立新的社会关系,而且对语言选择具有批判性的看法,证明了对文本的人际关系功能以及人际关系与体验功能之间的相互关系的认识。该研究的意义涉及使用Web 2.0工具进行新兴扫盲开发和数字扫盲的概念化。



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