首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Science Education and Technology >The Effect Teaching Experience Has on Perceived Effectiveness of Interactive Television as a Distance Education Model for Elementary School Science Teacher's Professional Development: Another Digital Divide?

The Effect Teaching Experience Has on Perceived Effectiveness of Interactive Television as a Distance Education Model for Elementary School Science Teacher's Professional Development: Another Digital Divide?


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The first year of a 5 year professional development project for elementary teachers in two mid-western states integrated a bridge of two distinctly different distance education networks (T-1 and fiber optics) to provide science professional development for elementary school teachers in rural communities. Interactive television (ITV), the title given to the distance component, consisted of a series of twenty-four, 2 h presentations by scientists and content specialists. It provided expansion to the science pedagogical content knowledge of the elementary teachers involved. Eighty-five teachers in 38 school districts from the two states completed individual surveys following the final ITV session. Analysis of variance of participants' post-session survey scores yielded differences (p < 0.05) on the subscales measuring perceived effectiveness of using distance education for professional development purposes and years of teaching experience. Teachers with over 20 years of classroom experience perceived the use of distance education technologies for science professional development to be more effective than teachers with 16-20 years of classroom experience. These results might suggest another digital divide.
机译:为中西部两个州的小学教师开展的为期5年的专业发展项目的第一年,整合了两个截然不同的远程教育网络(T-1和光纤)的桥梁,为农村社区的小学教师提供了科学专业发展。交互式电视(ITV)是距离部分的标题,由科学家和内容专家进行的二十四小时,2小时的演讲组成。它扩展了所涉基础教师的科学教学内容的知识。在ITV最后一届会议之后,来自两个州38个学区的85位教师完成了个人调查。参加者的会后调查评分方差分析得出在分量表上的差异(p <0.05),该分量表用于衡量将远程教育用于专业发展目的和多年教学经验的感知效果。具有20年以上课堂经验的教师认为,使用远程教育技术进行科学专业发展要比具有16-20年课堂经验的教师更有效。这些结果可能暗示了另一个数字鸿沟。



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