首页> 外文期刊>Food science and technology research >Change of Proteins in Instant Chinese Noodle by the Fermentation of Lactobacillus plantarum NRIC 0380 Affects the Noodle Quality

Change of Proteins in Instant Chinese Noodle by the Fermentation of Lactobacillus plantarum NRIC 0380 Affects the Noodle Quality

机译:植物乳杆菌NRIC 0380发酵产生的方便面中蛋白质的变化对面条品质的影响

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The lactic acid fermentation of instant Chinese noodle sheet by Lactobacillus plantarum NRIC 0380 changed the noodle quality as evaluated by texture and sensory tests. This interesting change was induced by only a short 2-h fermentation time, however the noodle quality subsequently degraded with prolongation of the fermentation of up to 24 h. SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins in the noodle sheet indicated no change in proteins extracted from the 2-h fermented noodle sheet compared to non-fermented noodle sheet. In contrast, native-PAGE analysis showed a shift in molecular weight of gluten proteins, with those extracted from the 2-h fermented noodle sheet having a higher molecular weight than those from non-fermented noodle sheet. These results strongly suggested a conformational change of gluten proteins in the noodle sheet caused by the short 2-h fermentation. The 2-h lactic acid fermentation decreased the pH from 8.5 to 7.5, but gluten proteins extracted from noodle sheet made with the addition of lactic acid to adjust the pH to 7.3 did not show this increase in molecular weight. Thus, the change from native state of gluten proteins does not seem to be induced by the presence of the lactic acid itself but by other factor(s) associated with lactic acid fermentation. On the other hand, the reduction of noodle quality by prolonged fermentation for up to 24 h seems to induce degradation of albumin and globulin proteins as revealed by SDS-PAGE analysis and also the change in the native state of gluten proteins as detected by native-PAGE analysis.
机译:植物乳杆菌NRIC 0380对方便面的乳酸发酵改变了面条的质感和感官测试。这种有趣的变化仅在短短的2小时发酵时间内就引起了,但是面条的质量随后随着发酵时间延长至24小时而降低。对面条中蛋白质的SDS-PAGE分析表明,与未发酵面条相比,从2-h发酵面条中提取的蛋白质没有变化。相反,天然PAGE分析显示面筋蛋白的分子量变化,从2-h发酵面片中提取的面筋蛋白的分子量高于从非发酵面片中提取的面筋蛋白的分子量。这些结果强烈暗示了由短的2小时发酵引起的面条中面筋蛋白的构象变化。 2-h乳酸发酵将pH从8.5降低到7.5,但是从添加了乳酸以将pH调节到7.3的面条中提取的面筋蛋白没有显示出分子量的增加。因此,面筋蛋白从天然状态的改变似乎不是由乳酸本身的存在引起的,而是由与乳酸发酵有关的其他因素引起的。另一方面,如通过SDS-PAGE分析显示的那样,长时间发酵长达24小时会降低面条质量,这似乎会诱导白蛋白和球蛋白的降解,以及由天然蛋白检测到的面筋蛋白天然状态的变化PAGE分析。



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