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Preparing Geography Teachers in the United States


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Teacher preparation has been called the bete noire of geography education in the United States (Boehm et al., 1994). Despite progress in other areas of geography, teacher education remains a significant issue affecting the quality of geography instruction nationwide. It is a multifaceted, multidimensional problem tied inextricably to national trends in education and teacher education reform. Some problems have resulted from a spatially dispersed and decentralised system of teacher education and certification (Bednarz & Bednarz, 1995; Wang et al., 2003; Winston, 1984; Wilson et al., 2001). US teacher programmes vary widely. More than 1300 institutions prepare teachers. Today, however, many of the tensions within teacher education are the result of ideological arguments that have become highly politicised, pitting conservatives against liberals, Republicans against Democrats, in increasingly polarised discussions. As a consequence, geographers and professional geography societies have less influence in teacher preparation.
机译:在美国,教师的准备工作被称为地理教育的黑人(Boehm等,1994)。尽管在其他地理领域取得了进展,但教师教育仍然是影响全国地理教学质量的重要问题。这是一个多层面,多层面的问题,与国家教育和师范教育改革趋势密不可分。某些问题是由于教师教育和认证的空间分散和分散的体系(Bednarz&Bednarz,1995; Wang等,2003; Winston,1984; Wilson等,2001)。美国的教师课程差异很大。 1300多个机构为教师做准备。然而,今天,教师教育中的许多紧张局势是意识形态论点的结果,这些论点已高度政治化,使保守派反对自由主义者,共和党反对民主人士,讨论日益分化。结果,地理学家和专业地理学会对教师准备的影响较小。



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