首页> 外文期刊>Educational Technology Research and Development >Novice and experienced instructional software developers: effects on materials created with instructional software templates

Novice and experienced instructional software developers: effects on materials created with instructional software templates


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The development of instructional software is a complex process, posing high demands to the technical and didactical expertise of developers. Domain specialists rather than professional developers are often responsible for it, but authoring tools with pre-structured templates claim to compensate for this limited experience. This study compares instructional software products made by developers with low production experience (n = 6) and high production experience (n = 8), working with a template-based authoring tool. It is hypothesized that those with high production experience will be more productive and create software with a higher didactical quality than those with low production experience, whereas no differences with regard to technical and authoring quality are expected. The results show that the didactical quality was unsatisfactory and did not differ between groups. Nevertheless the templates compensated for differences in experience because the technical and authoring quality was equal for both groups, indicating that templates enable domain specialists to participate successfully in the production process.
机译:教学软件的开发是一个复杂的过程,对开发人员的技术和教学专业知识提出了很高的要求。领域专家而不是专业开发人员通常对此负责,但是具有预构建模板的创作工具声称可以弥补这种有限的经验。这项研究比较了使用基于模板的创作工具,由具有较低生产经验(n = 6)和较高生产经验(n = 8)的开发人员生产的教学软件产品。假设具有高生产经验的人将比具有低生产经验的人具有更高的生产率和更高的教学质量,而在技术和创作质量方面没有差异。结果表明,教学质量不令人满意,各组之间的教学质量没有差异。但是,模板弥补了经验上的差异,因为两组的技术和创作质量均相同,这表明模板使领域专家能够成功地参与生产过程。



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