首页> 外文期刊>SAGE Open >Examining the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Program in a Regular Norwegian School Setting: Teacher-Reported Behavior Management Practice, Problem Behavior in Classroom and School Environment, Teacher Self- and Collective Efficacy, and Classroom Climate

Examining the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Program in a Regular Norwegian School Setting: Teacher-Reported Behavior Management Practice, Problem Behavior in Classroom and School Environment, Teacher Self- and Collective Efficacy, and Classroom Climate




In the present study, the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM) program was implemented as a universal preventive intervention in a regular, lower primary school setting. Outcomes for teacher’s behavior management practice, problem behavior in the classroom and the school environment, teacher self- and collective efficacy, and classroom climate were examined. Using a quasi-experimental pre–post comparison group design, teacher-reported outcomes were compared between 163 teachers in 21 schools who participated in the IY TCM program and 139 teachers from 23 schools who did not participate in the program. No significant main effects of the IY TCM program on teacher-reported outcomes were revealed by linear mixed model analyses. The findings suggest that further evaluation is warranted. Future research should explore the impact of training teachers more consistently (e.g., provision of additional individual coaching outside the Teacher Classroom Management [TCM] sessions) and over a longer period than provided in the present study.
机译:在本研究中,令人难以置信的岁月教师课堂管理(IY TCM)计划被实施为普通的预防性干预,以常规,较低的小学环境。考虑了教师行为管理实践的结果,课堂和学校环境的问题行为,教师自我和集体疗效以及课堂气候。使用准实验前比较集团设计,在参加IY TCM计划的21所学校的163所教师之间比较了教师报告的结果,以及来自23所没有参加该计划的23所学校的139名教师。通过线性混合模型分析揭示了IY TCM计划对教师报告结果的显着主要影响。调查结果表明,有必要进一步评估。未来的研究应该更加持续探讨培训教师的影响(例如,在教师课堂管理[TCM]课外提供额外的个人教练),比本研究中提供的时间更长。



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