首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >The effect of teaching the cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies (self-instruction procedure) on verbal math problem-solving performance of primary school students with verbal problem- solving difficulties

The effect of teaching the cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies (self-instruction procedure) on verbal math problem-solving performance of primary school students with verbal problem- solving difficulties




This study investigates the effects of teaching the cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies (self-instruction procedure) on verbal math problem-solving (VMPS) performance of primary school students with VMPS difficulties. The experimental design using pre-test, post-test with control group is applied. The students were selected random ally of primary school and examined with VMPS test (pre-test). 60 of the students with VMPS difficulties are purpose fully matched in experimental and control groups (30 girls and 30 boys). During treatment experimental students received strategies instruction of16 weeks of 45min in 2 months during the school hours. The VMPS performances in each group are measured with post-test. The results of repeated measures analysis shows that teaching of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies (self-instructional procedure) significantly improved performance of experimental group in both genders (F=44.86, P<0.0001). Also no signified differences between boys and girls in either applying the strategies or effectiveness of teaching (F=1.22, P>0.05).
机译:这项研究调查了认知和元认知策略(自我指导程序)的教学对小学生VMPS困难的口头数学问题解决能力(VMPS)的影响。应用实验设计,使用对照组进行预测试,后测试。这些学生是从小学随机选出的,并接受了VMPS测试(预测试)。有目的的VMPS困难学生中有60名在实验组和对照组中完全匹配(30名女孩和30名男孩)。在治疗过程中,实验学生在上课时间的2个月内接受了为期16周,每分钟45分钟的策略指导。每组的VMPS表现均通过事后测试进行衡量。重复测量分析的结果表明,认知和元认知策略(自我指导程序)的教学显着提高了实验组在男女中的表现(F = 44.86,P <0.0001)。男生和女生在运用教学策略或教学效果上也没有显着差异(F = 1.22,P> 0.05)。



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