首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Teaching and Learning English in Tanzania: Blessing or Curse? A Practical Review of Phan le Ha’s Teaching English as an International Language

Teaching and Learning English in Tanzania: Blessing or Curse? A Practical Review of Phan le Ha’s Teaching English as an International Language




This paper is inspired by the work of Phan Le Ha (2008) in her book titled Teaching English as an International Language: Identity, Resistance, and Negotiation in which she presented the way English language is taught in Vietnam and the emergence of conflicting classes of western - trained Vietnamese teachers of English versus non western trained teachers, also the class of native versus non native teachers. Based on different schools of thought, this paper attempts to compare and contrast learning English in Vietnam and Tanzania. The paper discusses some classroom practices in Tanzania secondary schools focusing on the use of English language as a medium of instruction and came up with the conclusion that it is still an uphill task for the Tanzania learners to achieve learning objectives through the use of English language. The title of this paper is influenced by Rubagumya’s work in (2010). as he concluded by asking whether English as it is taught and learnt at present is a blessing or a curse for African learners. Therefore, this paper seeks to answer this puzzle based on Tanzanian context. Keywords: Foreign Language, Ethnic Community Languages (ECLs), Lingua Franca.
机译:本文的灵感来自Phan Le Ha(2008)在她的《以英语作为国际语言进行教学:身份,抵抗和谈判》一书中的工作。在该书中,她介绍了越南教授英语的方式以及越南语中相互矛盾的课程的出现。西方人-受过越南英语培训的老师与非西方受过培训的老师,以及本地与非本地老师的课程。本文基于不同的思想流派,试图对越南和坦桑尼亚的英语学习进行比较和对比。本文讨论了坦桑尼亚中学的一些课堂实践,重点是使用英语作为教学语言,并得出结论,坦桑尼亚学习者通过使用英语来实现学习目标仍然是一项艰巨的任务。本文的标题受Rubagumya(2010)的工作影响。他总结道,对目前的英语学习和学习对非洲学习者来说是福还是祸。因此,本文试图基于坦桑尼亚的语境来回答这个难题。关键字:外语,族裔社区语言(ECL),Lingua Franca。



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