首页> 外文期刊>Computer speech and language >Phonetic realization of English lexical stress by native (L1) Bengali speakers compared to native (L1) English speakers

Phonetic realization of English lexical stress by native (L1) Bengali speakers compared to native (L1) English speakers


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English lexical stress is acoustically related to combination of duration, intensity, fundamental frequency (Fo) and vowel quality. At phonetic level, the current study investigates L1 Bengali speakers' acoustic manipulation of English lexical stress to produce English lexical stress contrast. This study compares the use of these correlates in the production of English lexical stress contrasts by 10 L1 English and 20 L1 Bengali speakers. The result showed that, although L1 Bengali speakers did use all four acoustic correlates to distinguish stressed from unstressed syllables, they produced significantly less native-like stress patterns. In particular, there was a significant difference in formant patterns across speaker groups, where L1 Bengali speakers produced English like vowel reduction in some unstressed syllables, but in other cases, L1 Bengali speakers had tendency to either not reduce or incorrectly reduce vowels in unstressed syllables. The results suggest that L1 Bengali speakers' production of English lexical stress contrast is influenced by L1 language experience and L1 phonology.
机译:英语词汇重音与持续时间,强度,基频(Fo)和元音质量的组合在声学上相关。在语音方面,当前的研究调查了母语为L1的孟加拉语使用者对英语词汇重音的声学处理,以产生英语词汇重音对比。这项研究比较了10位母语为L1的英语和20位母语为L1的孟加拉语的人在使用英语词汇重音对比时所使用的这些相关性。结果表明,尽管L1孟加拉语的说话者确实使用所有四个声学关联来区分重读音节与未重读音节,但它们产生的原生音样明显少得多。尤其是,各说话人群体的共振峰模式存在显着差异,其中母语为L1的孟加拉语使用者在一些未重读音节中产生了像元音减少一样的英语,但在其他情况下,母语为孟加拉语的L1说话人则倾向于不减少或不正确地减少未重读音节中的元音。 。结果表明,母语为孟加拉语的母语人士的英语词汇重音对比的产生受母语经历和母语语音的影响。



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