首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Special Education >INCLUSIVE AND SPECIAL EDUCATION: Inclusive and special education in the English educational system: historical perspectives, recent developments and future challenges

INCLUSIVE AND SPECIAL EDUCATION: Inclusive and special education in the English educational system: historical perspectives, recent developments and future challenges


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Special education in England has over the past 25 years been subject to rapid development, not least in relation to the emergence of inclusive education. Alan Hodkinson of the Faculty of Education, Community and Leisure, John Moore's University, critically examines the development of inclusion in England and the barriers that can stall the development of this important educational and societal initiative. He discusses the journey towards inclusion from educational segregation to integration and describes the current Government stance on this important subject. Alan Hodkinson suggests that many of the barriers to effective inclusion are in practice located within the loci of Government, local authorities as well as that of schools. He concludes that it is now time to develop a new vision for the education of children with special educational needs and disabilities that is supported by straightforward, co-ordinated and well-resourced policies. If educational policy is to achieve an inclusive consciousness, it must ensure that the views of children, their families and educational professionals are listened to, and that inclusion is by the choice of the pupils and their parents and not by compulsion.
机译:在过去的25年中,英格兰的特殊教育得到了迅速发展,特别是与融合教育的出现有关。约翰·摩尔大学的教育,社区与休闲学院的艾伦·霍德金森(Alan Hodkinson)批判性地研究了英格兰的融合发展以及阻碍这一重要的教育和社会倡议发展的障碍。他讨论了从教育隔离到融合的融合过程,并描述了当前政府在这一重要主题上的立场。艾伦·霍德金森(Alan Hodkinson)建议,实际上,有效包容的许多障碍都位于政府,地方当局以及学校所在地。他的结论是,现在应该为有特殊教育需求和残疾儿童的教育树立新的愿景,并得到直接,协调和资源丰富的政策的支持。如果教育政策要实现包容性意识,则必须确保听取儿童,他们的家庭和教育专业人员的意见,并确保包容性是由学生及其父母选择的,而不是强迫性的。



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