首页> 外文期刊>Applied Mathematical Modelling >Generalized finite differences for solving 3D elliptic and parabolic equations

Generalized finite differences for solving 3D elliptic and parabolic equations


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The generalized finite difference method (GFDM) is a meshfree method that can be applied for solving problems defined over irregular clouds of points. The GFDM uses the Taylor series development and the moving least squares approximation to obtain explicit formulae for the partial derivatives. In this paper, this meshfree method is used for solving elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations in 3-D. The influence of the main parameters involved in the approximation and the treatment of the Neumann boundary condition are shown. Parabolic equations have been solved using an explicit method and the criterion for stability has been improved taking into account the irregularity of the cloud of points. The numerical results show the high accuracy obtained.
机译:广义有限差分法(GFDM)是一种无网格方法,可用于解决在不规则点云上定义的问题。 GFDM使用泰勒级数展开法和移动最小二乘逼近来获得偏导数的显式。在本文中,这种无网格方法用于求解3D中的椭圆和抛物线偏微分方程。给出了近似中涉及的主要参数的影响以及Neumann边界条件的处理。抛物线方程已使用显式方法求解,并且考虑到点云的不规则性,改进了稳定性准则。数值结果表明获得了较高的精度。



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