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Measurement of the Safe Zone and the Dangerous Zone for the Screw Placement on the Quadrilateral Surface in the Treatment of Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures with Stoppa Approach by Computational 3D Technology




This study is aimed at definition of the safe and dangerous zone for screw placement with Stoppa approach for rapid identification during operation and a new way for the studies on the “safe zone.” Pelvic CT data of 84 human subjects were recruited to reconstruct the three-dimensional (3D) models. The distances between the edges of the “safe zone,” “dangerous zone,” and specific anatomic landmarks such as the obturator canal and the pelvic brim were precisely measured, respectively. The results show that the absolute “dangerous zone” was from the pelvic brim to 3.07 cm below it and within 2.86 cm of the obturator canal, while the region 3.56 cm below the pelvic brim or 3.85 cm away from the obturator canal was the absolute “safe zone” for screw placement. The region between the absolute “safe zone” and the absolute “dangerous zone” was the relatively “dangerous zone.” As a conclusion, application of computer-assisted 3D modeling techniques aids in the precise measurement of “safe zone” and “dangerous zone” in combination with Stoppa incision. It was not recommended to place screws on the absolute dangerous zone, while, for the relatively “dangerous zone,” it depends on the individual variations in bony anatomy and the fracture type.
机译:这项研究旨在使用Stoppa方法定义螺钉放置的安全和危险区域,以便在操作过程中快速识别,并为研究“安全区域”提供了一种新方法。募集了84位人类受试者的骨盆CT数据以重建三维(3D)模型。分别精确测量了“安全区”,“危险区”和特定解剖标志(例如闭孔和骨盆边缘)之间的距离。结果表明,绝对的“危险区”是从盆骨边缘到其下方3.07 cm处,并在闭塞管的2.86 cm以内,而距盆腔边缘3.56 cm或距闭塞管的3.85 cm处是绝对的“危险区”。安全区域”以放置螺钉。绝对“安全区”和绝对“危险区”之间的区域是相对“危险区”。总之,结合Stoppa切口,计算机辅助3D建模技术的应用有助于“安全区”和“危险区”的精确测量。不建议在绝对危险区域上放置螺钉,而对于相对“危险区域”,则取决于骨解剖结构和骨折类型的个体差异。



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