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Class Collective Efficacy and Class Size as Moderators of the Relationship between Junior Middle School Students’ Externalizing Behavior and Academic Engagement: A Multilevel Study




This study examined the relationship between externalizing behavior and academic engagement, and tested the possibility of class collective efficacy and class size moderating this relationship. Data were collected from 28 Chinese classrooms (N = 1034 students; grades 7, 8, and 9) with student reports. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to test all hypotheses and results revealed a negative relationship between externalizing behavior and academic engagement; class collective efficacy was also significantly related to academic engagement. Additionally, class collective efficacy and class size moderated the relationship between externalizing behavior and academic engagement: For students in a class with high collective efficacy or small size (≤30 students), the relationship between externalizing behavior and academic engagement was weaker than for those in a class with low collective efficacy or large size (≥43 students). Results are discussed considering self-regulatory mechanisms and social environment theory, with possible implications for teachers of students’ learning provided.
机译:这项研究检查了外在行为与学术参与之间的关系,并检验了班级集体效能和班级规模调节这种关系的可能性。数据来自28个中文教室(N = 1034名学生; 7、8和9年级),并附有学生报告。分层线性建模用于检验所有假设,结果表明外部化行为与学术参与之间存在负相关关系。班级集体效能也与学业投入显着相关。此外,班级集体效能和班级规模减轻了外在行为与学术投入之间的关系:对于班级集体效能高或规模小的学生(≤30名学生),外在行为与学术投入之间的关系比在班级中的弱。集体效能低或规模大的班级(≥43名学生)。讨论结果时考虑了自我调节机制和社会环境理论,可能对学生学习的老师产生影响。



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