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Leadership Frames and Perceptions of Effectiveness among Health Information Management Program Directors




Leadership is important to health science education. For program effectiveness, directors should possess leadership skills to appropriately lead and manage their departments. Therefore, it is important to explore the leadership styles of programs' leaders as health science education is undergoing reform. Program directors of two and four-year health information management programs were surveyed to determine leadership styles. The study examined leadership styles or frames, the number of leadership frames employed by directors, and the relationship between leadership frames and their perceptions of their effectiveness as a manager and as a leader. The study shows that program directors are confident of their human resource and structural skills and less sure of the political and symbolic skills required of leaders. These skills in turn are correlated with their self-perceived effectiveness as managers and leaders. Findings from the study may assist program directors in their career development and expansion of health information management programs as a discipline within the health science field.As academic health centers receive greater pressure from the Institute of Medicine and accrediting agencies to reform health science education, the question of leadership arises. These centers have taken a leadership role in reforming health professional education by partnering with educational institutions to improve the health of communities.To achieve health education reform, health sciences educators must apply effective leadership skills. College and university leadership is challenged on how to best approach educational reform across health science fields. This article discusses leadership styles employed by program directors of one health science department, health information management, in directing programs for health science education reform.
机译:领导对于健康科学教育很重要。为了提高计划的有效性,董事应具备领导才能,以适当地领导和管理其部门。因此,在健康科学教育改革的过程中,探索项目负责人的领导风格非常重要。对两年和四年健康信息管理计划的计划负责人进行了调查,以确定领导风格。该研究调查了领导风格或框架,董事所采用的领导框架的数量,领导框架之间的关系以及他们对作为经理和领导者的有效性的看法。研究表明,项目负责人对他们的人力资源和结构技能充满信心,对领导者所需的政治和象征性技能缺乏把握。反过来,这些技能与他们作为经理和领导者的自我感知效能相关。该研究结果可能会帮助计划负责人发展其职业发展和健康信息管理计划,并将其作为健康科学领域的一门学科。随着学术健康中心受到医学研究所和认证机构的更大压力,他们需要改革健康科学教育,因此,领导问题出现了。这些中心通过与教育机构合作改善社区的健康状况,在改革健康专业教育方面发挥了领导作用。要实现健康教育改革,健康科学教育工作者必须运用有效的领导才能。 高校领导在如何最好地进行跨健康科学领域的教育改革方面面临挑战。本文讨论了一个健康科学部门的计划主任(健康信息管理)在指导健康科学教育改革计划中所采用的领导方式。



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