首页> 外文期刊>Sex roles >Male or Female Athletic Director? Exploring Perceptions of Leader Effectiveness and a (Potential) Female Leadership Advantage with Intercollegiate Athletic Directors

Male or Female Athletic Director? Exploring Perceptions of Leader Effectiveness and a (Potential) Female Leadership Advantage with Intercollegiate Athletic Directors


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We investigated whether transformational leadership was associated with more positive perceptions of outcomes among intercollegiate athletic directors in the U. S. Also, we examined whether leader gender influenced perceptions of participants, and if there was an interaction between leadership style and leader gender in predicting organizational outcomes. Division I and II male participants (n = 99) evaluated either a male or female transactional or transformational leader on extra effort, satisfaction, and effectiveness. MANOVA and post hoc analyses were used in our evaluation. Findings indicated transformational leadership was related to more positive organizational outcomes, that there was no difference between male and female leaders on attaining these outcomes, and that there was no interaction between leadership style and leader gender.
机译:我们调查了变革型领导是否与美国大专院校运动主管之间对成果的更积极认识相关联。此外,我们还研究了领导者性别是否影响参与者的看法,以及领导风格和领导者性别之间在预测组织结果方面是否存在相互作用。 I和II级男性参与者(n = 99)评估了男性或女性的交往或转型领导者的额外努力,满意度和有效性。 MANOVA和事后分析用于我们的评估。研究结果表明,变革型领导与更积极的组织成果有关,男女领导者在实现这些成果方面没有区别,领导风格与领导者性别之间也没有相互作用。



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