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Mycoflora of Soybeans Used for Meju Fermentation




Diverse fungi are present in Korean traditional meju and they are known to play an important role in fermented soybean products. To determine the origin of the fungi in meju, we examined the mycoflora of soybeans from 10 traditional meju factories. The samples were untreated or treated with sodium hypochlorite, and placed on malt extract agar (MEA), dichloran 18% glycerol agar (DG18), and dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol agar (DRBC) medium. A total of 794 fungal strains were isolated and they were identified as 41 genera and 86 species. From sodium hypochlorite untreated soybeans, the genera, Cladosporium (55%), Eurotium (51%), Fusarium (33%), Penicillium (22%), and Aspergillus (exclusion of Eurotium) (20%), were mainly isolated, and Eurotium herbariorum (22%), Eurotium repens (18%), Cladosporium tenuissimum (18%), F. fujikuroi (18%), Aspergillus oryzae/flavus (7%), and Penicillium steckii (6%) were the predominant species. In case of sodium hypochlorite-treated soybeans, Eurotium (31%) and Cladosporium (5%) were frequently isolated, but Aspergillus (excluding Eurotium), Penicillium and Fusarium which were frequently isolated from untreated soybeans, were rarely isolated. Eurotium herbariorum (21%), Eurotium repens (8%), and Cladosporium tenuissimum (3%) were the predominant species. Of the 41 genera and 86 species isolated from soybeans, 13 genera and 33 species were also found in meju. These results suggest that the fungi on soybeans may influence the mycoflora of meju.
机译:韩国传统酒中存在多种真菌,已知它们在发酵大豆产品中起重要作用。为了确定梅州真菌的起源,我们检查了10家传统梅州工厂的大豆的分支杆菌。样品未经处理或用次氯酸钠处理,并置于麦芽提取物琼脂(MEA),敌敌畏18%甘油琼脂(DG18)和敌敌畏玫瑰孟加拉氯霉素琼脂(DRBC)培养基上。总共分离出794个真菌菌株,它们被鉴定为41属86种。从未经处理的次氯酸钠大豆中,主要分离出属(Cladosporium(55%),Euro(51%),镰刀菌(33%),青霉菌(22%)和曲霉菌(Euro除外)(20%)。 herb种(22%),白t(18%),藤本植物(Cladosporium tenuissimum(18%),藤本镰刀菌(18%),米曲霉/黄酮(7%)和青霉(6%)是主要种类。对于用次氯酸钠处理过的大豆,经常分离出Euro(31%)和枝孢菌(5%),但曲霉菌(不包括Euro), Penicillium Fusarium 经常从未经处理的大豆中分离出来,很少被分离。占主导地位的是欧洲t (21%),欧洲t (8%)和 Cladosporium tenuissimum (3%)。从大豆中分离出的41属和86种中,在梅州还发现了13属和33种。这些结果表明,大豆上的真菌可能会影响梅州的分支杆菌。



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