首页> 中文期刊>华文教学与研究 >职前国际汉语教师语言教学信念发展研究




职前国际汉语教师在第一学期的课程学习之后,语言教学信念总体水平有了明显的提高,越来越趋于交际教学信念,但各信念维度的发展并不均衡。除了教学对象信念维度之外,教学本质、课程设置、教学内容、教学行为、教学方法、教师角色等信念维度均发生了显著变化。本科不同专业、有无教学经验对职前国际汉语教师语言教学信念发展的影响不大。对教学反思日志的个案分析表明,反思能力对职前国际汉语教师的语言教学信念发展有一定的影响。该研究结论对职前国际汉语教师培养有一定的启示:重视实践和反思对语言教学信念发展的重要作用。%After one semester’s study,the overall level of pre-service CSL teachers’language teaching beliefs has been sig⁃nificantly improved. However,the development of each dimension of teachers’belief is not balanced. The results show that except for teaching object,there are significant changes in other dimensions,such as,nature of teaching,curriculum, course content,teaching behavior,teaching methods and teachers’roles etc. However,CSL teachers’majors in their under⁃graduate study and their teaching experience have little impact on the development of their teaching beliefs. It is found from the analysis of teaching reflection logs that pre-service CSL teachers ’reflective ability has a great influence on the develop⁃ment of their beliefs. The finding has certain enlightenment for pre- service CSL teachers’cultivation,and it demonstrates the important role of teaching practice and teachers ’self-reflection on the development of their language teaching beliefs.



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