首页> 中文期刊> 《唐都学刊》 >觉醒与抗争:北洋军阀吴佩孚民族意识述评




During the time of the fierce turbulence, could maneuver among various political and martial As a leader of the Northern Warlords, Wu Pei - fu groups, do whatever he wanted to do, excluded those who held different political ideas, aroused wars. No doubt, he brought about great disaster for Chinese nation. For a long time, He was always deemed to be a reactionary warlords and public enemy. In fact, that was not all his political life. During the May the Fourth period,he was known as a patriotic general. He came down after the War of Northern Expedition. He still was a patriot, though he was having a hard time. Faced with the threats and inducements from Japan and the puppet government, Wu Pei -fu still kept his moral integrity with his strong lifelong national consciousness. Especially, Wu Pei -fu played a tragic legendary in the later years of his life.%吴佩孚作为北洋军阀的直系首领,在激烈动荡的年代,曾纵横捭阖,翻云覆雨;或排斥异己,挑起战端,给中华民族带来巨大的灾难。长期以来,被视作“反动军阀”与“人民公敌”,然而,这并非其人生的全部。“五四”时期以“爱国将军”声名鹊起;北伐之后,落魄下野,即使处境艰难,仍以家国为念,面对日伪的威逼利诱,依然洁身自好,自全名节,浓厚的民族意识渗透其一生的方方面面,晚年演绎了一段失败英雄的悲壮传奇。



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