首页> 中文期刊>文化艺术研究 >审美与美学的发生——从哲学、美学与自然科学考察




作为客观存在的美与以美为对象的人类活动之审美以及以前两者为研究对象的关学都有一个从无到有的发生过程。前者为存在的有与无,后两者为命名与言说的有与无。在这个过程中,美经历了宇宙学、地质学到人类学社会学的发展变化,随着“美”字的语源,“天地大美”从“无名”“无言”,到各种审美的、美学的命名、命题及话语,从“无名有实,到美名美言之下,其实难副”。从地质成因上以张家界为代表之原生态自然美,或从人类学、社会学以元阳梯田为例之人化自然美,分别表明自然关的自生发与给自然以美的形式之“人化”,相应地,在美学话语上不是如生态美学那样认为整个原生态自然“一切皆美”,也不是所有“人化自然皆为美”,而是不同本体论、本质论与成因论层次上发生、发展、变化的过程。%Beauty is an objective existence; appreciation of the beauty is a human activity that takes beauty as the object; aesthetics studies the two. They all go through a process of generation from nothing to something. As beauty is about being and non-being of existence, the latter two are about that of naming and speech. During this process of generation, beauty is studied from cosmology and geology to anthropol- ogy and sociology. Originally "nameless" and "speechless", the "great beauty of heaven and earth" is now endowed with various names, assertions and words in aesthetics. The natural beauty of original ecolo- gy as represented by Zhangjiajie and humanized natural beauty exemplified by terraced fields in Yuanyang indicate that both kinds experience a process of occurrence, development and changes.



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