首页> 中文期刊> 《特种油气藏》 >大井丛集约化效益建产开发方案优化与技术应用




随着近年来低油价及资源劣质化的双重压力不断加剧,面对难采储量油气资源,传统的开发技术、模式已经无法实现效益动用.吉林油田针对新区低品质资源难以效益动用的问题,采取非常规开发理念及技术,在新立地区Ⅲ区块为代表的常规低渗透油藏实践大井丛集约化效益建产现场先导试验,并从常规的油藏研究为主导、工程技术为支撑方式转变为以储层改造为主线的油藏、钻采、地面一体化联合研究和交互式方案优化模式,并建立了综合方案设计、资源组织、项目实施、设备研发等全过程的油气开发研究方法、工作程序和管理方式,实现了该区块提产量、提效益、降投资、降成本目标,并由此建立了低渗透油气资源效益动用新理念及新模式,对类似油田储量动用及开发具有重要借鉴意义.%Due to the challenge of present low oil price and inferior hydrocarbon resources in recent years,it is im-possible to realize economical production of the low-grade hydrocarbon reserves by conventional development tech-nologies and patterns. The Unconventional development concept and technologies are used to produce the low-grade hydrocarbon resources in the areas of Jilin Oilfield. The pilot test of multi-well cluster intensification benefit pro-duction is implemented in the conventional low-permeability oil reservoir in Xinli Block III. Comparing with the conventional development mode dominated by reservoir characterization and supported by engineering technologies, it is converted to a new mode with integration of reservoir,drilling-production and surface engineering and interac-tive program optimization dominated by stimulation. The hydrocarbon development research approaches,working processes and management modes of comprehensive program design,resource organization,project implementation, equipment research-development and other aspects are established to enhance production,increase benefit,reduce investment and costs. Finally,a new concept and mode of economical production for low-permeability hydrocarbon resources are established,which could provider significant reference for the reserve producing and development of similar reservoirs.



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