首页> 中文期刊> 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 >地方高校本科生全程培养导师制模式构建




导师制的核心是教会学生独立思考,培养学生批判思维的意识与能力. 导师制实施20 多年,在地方高校仍然存在自由教育思想难落实、师资力量缺保障、培养机制不系统等问题. 基于地方高校实际和学生学习特点,文章提出构筑结合年级特点、基于项目运行、遵循协同育人机制的本科生全程培养导师制模式,努力提高地方高校人才培养质量.%The core of tutorial mechanism is to cultivate students' awareness and ability of critical thinking by in-structing them to think independently. Despite the twenty-year practice, tutorial system is not without problems, for exam-ple, the idea of liberal education is hard to implement, qualified tutors are hard to be recruited or trained, the talent culti-vation system is not systematically designed, etc. In combination with the current situation in local universities as well as characteristics of students'learning, the paper proposes to construct a mode of full-routine tutoring mechanism. In order to improve the quality of talent cultivation, this project-based mode provides students with tutors in accordance with their grades, and follows the principle of cooperative education.



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