首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >大学生数学建模心理过程影响因素的逐步回归分析




The factors influencing the psychological process of u-niversity students' mathematical modeling were deeply explored by multivariate linear regression analysis;the university students participating in the mathematical modeling contest were investi-gated and evaluated with scales by random sampling method;the relations and functions of 14 indicators were analyzed through the combination of qualitative research and quantitative research by multivariate linear regression analysis and correlation factor analysis. It is found in the result that the following factors have a significant effect on the psychological process of university stu-dents' mathematical modeling, including object information, model formulation, model analysis, mathematics foundation, mathematical reasoning, degree of familiarity to model back-ground, and language understanding.%以多元线性回归分析方法深入探讨大学生数学建模心理过程影响因素,利用随机抽样方法,对参加数学建模竞赛的大学生进行调查和量表评测,采用多元线性回归分析和相关因素分析,以定性研究与定量研究相结合的思路对14项指标关系及作用进行分析。结果发现现实对象信息、模型表述、模型分析、数学基础、数学推理、模型背景熟悉度、语言理解对大学生数学建模心理过程有显著影响。



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