首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >基于专业教育与创新创业教育相融合的应用型人才培养模式研究




在很大程度上,我国高校现行教育模式下培养出的人才还不能很好地适应和满足社会的需求,学校“所给”与社会“所需”存在一定程度的脱节。为社会和地方培养所需实用人才,理应成为大多数普通高校尤其是地方普通本科院校的人才培养导向,应用型人才培养也就自然成为绝大多数地方普通本科高校的必然选择,将高校专业教育与高校创新创业教育两者相融合,共同服务于高校应用型人才培养,不失为一条有效的应用型人才培养途径。%The talents cultivated under the current education model of China's universities cannot well adapt to and meet social demands to a great degree, and the talents provided by universi-ties cannot completely meet social demands. To cultivate practi-cal talents for the society and local places should become the tal-ent cultivation orientation of most regular universities, especially local undergraduate universities, and the cultivation of applied talents has naturally become an inevitable choice of most local undergraduate universities. To integrate professional education and innovation with entrepreneurship education and make them serve applied talent cultivation, can yet be regarded as an effec-tive way to cultivate applied talents.



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