首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >跨专业硕士研究生专业适应性影响因素关系研究




With the gradual expansion of enrollment, the number of interdisciplinary postgraduates is also increasing, so the major adaptability of interdisciplinary postgraduates has gradually be-come a hot topic among the educational circle. Exemplified by four different departments and colleges of liberal arts and sci-ences from a university in Beijing, this paper explored the rela-tionship among interdisciplinary postgraduates' major adaptability and major self-efficacy as well as major learning behavior. We came to the conclusion that the level of self-efficacy and learning behavior of interdisciplinary postgraduates can predict their ma-jor adaptability to a certain extent. Therefore, in order to improve interdisciplinary postgraduates' major adaptability, we can help them improve their major self-efficacy and establish good major learning behavior.%随着招生规模日益扩大,跨专业读研的人数日益增多,跨专业硕士研究生的专业适应性问题日益成为学界关心的热点。本研究以北京某高校四所文理不同院系为样本,探求跨专业硕士研究生专业适应性与专业自我效能及专业学习行为的关系。得到如下结论:跨专业硕士研究生专业自我效能感的高低以及专业学习行为水平的高低对专业适应性具有一定的预测力。因此可以帮助学生提高专业自我效能感并建立良好的专业学习行为来提高跨专业研究生的专业适应性。



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