首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >环境艺术专业设计构成课程教学改革探析




设计构成是环境艺术设计专业的一门极其重要的基础课程,该课程的合理开展与良好学习能为后续的专业设计奠定坚实的基础。目前国内各高校设计构成课程的教学存在着诸多的弊端与问题,立足于环境艺术设计专业,思考设计构成课程的教学改革,在教学过程中如何合理地开展教学环节,调动学生的积极性和创造性,有效地提升教学质量,是改革的重心。本研究结合环境艺术设计专业特点,提出具有针对性的改革思路:更新教学观念,激发学生灵感;强调专业意识,明确学习方向;丰富教学手法,增强学生兴趣;拓展表达媒介,引导学生创新;发挥评价作用,激发学习动力,以期适应环境艺术设计专业教学的需要,培养出综合性的设计人才。%Design composition is a crucial foundation course for environmental art design major, and the rational implementation and good learning of the course lays a solid foundation for subse-quent professional design. However, there are various drawbacks and problems in the current teaching of design composition course in China. The key to the reform of the course is to ratio-nally carry out different teaching links, improve students' enthu-siasm and creativity and effectively improve teaching quality, based on the realities of environmental art design major. Com-bined with the characteristics of environmental art design, this paper points out targeted reform ideas: updating teaching ideas and stimulating students inspiration; focusing on professional consciousness and making clear the direction of learning;enrich-ing teaching means and enhancing students' learning interest;expanding media for expression and guiding students' innovation;giving play to the role of evaluation and stimulating students' learning motivation. The aim is to adjust the course teaching to meet the needs of environmental art design major and cultivate comprehensive talents majoring in design.



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