首页> 中文期刊>铁道标准设计 >沪宁城际铁路下蜀黏土路堑边坡设计研究




在系统总结宁镇丘陵地区长江高阶地下蜀黏土的野外分布特征、物理力学性质的基础上,分析评价下蜀黏土具有弱膨胀性、水理性差等不良工程特性。以沪宁城际铁路路基工点设计为例,详细介绍下蜀黏土路堑边坡需根据工点工程地质和水文地质条件、边坡高度,结合当地气候特点,采用绿色植物防护和工程防护相结合的原则进行处理,以及重点地段采取特殊支挡防护的设计方案,提出下蜀黏土路堑边坡勘察设计需重点关注的问题。%On the basis of a systematic summary of the physical and mechanical properties of Xiashu distributed cohesive soil in the hilly areas of Nanjing-Zhenjiang of Yangtze TERRACE, this paper analyses and evaluates such poor engineering properties as weak expansibility and bad hydrolytic weakening properties of Xiashu cohesive soil. With reference to the subgrade design of Shanghai-Nanjing high speed railway, this paper addresses the protective design scheme in perspective of the engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions of the site, the height of the cutting slope, and the local climate characteristics and proposes a combination of greenery protection and engineering phase protection measures in general sections and special retaining protection measures in key sections. Special focuses during the survey and design of Xiashu cohesive soil cutting slope are also put forward.



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