首页> 中文期刊> 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 >基于DSP的模块化机械臂运动控制器设计




With the rapid development of science and technology and the progress of the society, robot's ap-plication in various industries is becoming more common. Robotics is a highly interdisciplinary frontier disci-pline, and the robot technology is a typical electromechanical technology. The motion controller technology is the key in robotics,it is also the main factors that affecting the performance of robots. This paper intro-duced PC machine as the operating platform,through CAN bus to establish the small distributed control sys-tem, control the six DOF coordinated operation. The motion controller taking DSP and CPLD as the core, and realized the motion control of 6 degree of freedom manipulator. This design has realized rotary joint’ s independence and modularization. Mechanical connection between each module can be adjusted freely ac-cording to user’ s need. In addition, this system also have characteristics of high openness and high speed of information processing, etc.%随着科学技术的快速发展和社会的进步,机器人在各行业中的的应用越来越普遍。机器人学是一门高度交叉的前沿学科,机器人技术是典型的机电一体化技术。其中的运动控制器技术是机器人技术中的关键,也是影响机器人性能的主要因素。文章介绍了以PC机为操作平台,通过CAN总线的方式建立起的小型分布式控制系统,控制6个自由度的协调运行。其运动控制器以 DSP 和CPLD为核心,实现了6自由度机械手的运动控制。该设计实现了各旋转关节的独立化、模块化。各模块间的机械连接可根据需要自由调整,此外还具有高度的开放性,信息处理的高速性等特点。



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