首页> 中文期刊>湛江师范学院学报 >康德美学中国化之三种价值取向



We have to face the problem of value about the Chinization of Kantian aesthetics.Scholars'value position selection is mainly reflected in three aspects.The first one is that they such as KANG You-wei,WANG Kuowei,LIANG Qichao,CAI Yuan-pei and so on,who are the first batch of recipient Kant's philosophy and aesthetics raise the value of Kant ,which base on two kinds of facts,one is the low self-esteen value idea of China,the other is the most important influence in 19th century.The second one is that they such as ZHU Guang-qian,MOU Zong-san,LI Ze-hou and so on,who base on different kinds of culture positions such as western doctrine,Chinese traditional culture,Marxist theory,underestimate Kantian thoughts.The third one is that Chinese Scholars ZHENG Xin and his students,DENG Xiao-mang,LI Qiu-ling who fluent in German and philosophy can dialogue evenly with Kant.Although they own the different value of position,but their achievements are similar.Important achievements they have made enough warning contemporary scholars of China,and bid farewell to Kant's aesthetics in definitely not a wise move.%百年康德美学的中国接受,学者们的价值立场选择主要体现于三个方面:其一是康有为、王国维、梁启超、蔡元培等作为中国最早一批康德哲学美学的接受者,由于受西上中下价值观念、康德学在19世纪的复兴作用等因素的影响,对康德都选择了仰视并抬高的姿态,当中缠绕着“为己”与“为人”的价值抉择;其二则是朱光潜、牟宗三、李泽厚等学者,分别基于西学、中国传统文化、马克思唯物论等不同的文化立场,对康德美学均采用俯视性的审视,其中显现出来的是降低的价值取向;其三是理想中与康德哲学美学的平等对话,精通哲学与德文是平等对话的前提,新中国成立前的郑昕及其培养的学生,近期的邓晓芒和李秋零、曹俊峰等人,均显示出与康德对话的姿态,现实中学者们与康德的平等对话,尚在进行当中。尽管价值立场不同,但学者们取得的重要成就足以警示当代中国学人,告别康德美学决非明智之举。



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