


本文以汉魏间“刑名”之学的产生、发展,及其对于中古哲学与文化的深刻影响为核心进行了整体讨论。“刑名”之学在汉末魏初成为众多学者的思想共识,其在哲学理念上以严密的语言逻辑、准确的名号界定、完善的制度建设为思想核心,成了当时儒家、道家、法家等各方人士的共同思想倾向;其哲学认识论在于:人的终极认识能力是存疑的;因此,人在认识上应以现实事务为重;人在现实事务的认识与处理过程中应当注重逻辑处理与制度安排。这种哲学理念上的怀疑、批判、思考、创新与整合,促使了中华中古哲学理念在更深层面上的“百家争鸣”。这种重新整合促使中古哲学与思想文化在上古哲理核心的基础上,通过“务实”(儒学刑名学,注重政治制度和社会伦理建设)与“务虚”(玄学,注重个人与家族自由及社会文化建设)这两种理念,使得中国哲学与文化得到进一步发展。这种发展趋向又促使佛教与道教在中古哲学发展过程中,进一步在认识论与真理观等理念上丰富、深化了中华哲学体系。%This paper focuses on the origin and development of the science of jurisprudence in the Han and Wei dynasties as well as its far-reaching influence on the medieval philosophy and culture of China.The science of jurisprudence became an ideological consensus of different scholars in the late Han dynasty and the early Wei dynasty because it had a rigorous language logic,accurate definitions of specific terms,and a complete institutional construction as its core idea,thus shared by Confu-cians,Taoists,and Legalists in their philosophical orientation.Its core ideas include the following:(1)Human ultimate cognitive ability is doubtful;(2)thus,people should pay more attention to prac-tical affairs and knowledge;(3)people should attach importance to logic processing and institutional arrangement when dealing with current affairs.This kind of doubt,criticism,thinking,innovation and integration of philosophical ideas promoted the “Contention of Hundred Schools of Thought”in those days.This re-integration helped the promotion of Chinese philosophy and culture,which was based on the mainstream philosophy of ancient China,and further developed two philosophical con-cepts,that is,“pragmatic”(which pays attention to the construction of the political system and the social ethics)and “ideological”(which pays attention to the construction of personal and family free-dom and social culture).This development also enriched Chinese philosophy of this period in terms of epistemology and the theory of truth,along with the development of Buddhism and Taoism.



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