首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >神性与诗性:东巴艺术的生存空间与艺术表现




东巴艺术是纳西民族创造的艺术奇珍和重要的世界文化记忆遗产,它源于纳西民族的宗教信仰———东巴教。作为一种带着原始意味的宗教,东巴教是以自然神为中心的多神教,其神灵鬼怪多达2400多个,这就决定了东巴艺术的宗教色彩和神性生存空间。由于没有现实的蓝本,也就决定了这些洋洋大观的神灵鬼怪形象的塑造带有非理性的性质,东巴们的艺术创造是一种典型的“诗性”创造。首先,他们以“万物有灵观”作为思维基础;其次,其创作以超乎寻常的想象、鲜明的情感倾向和略貌取神的大写意为特征。而东巴文,既是文字,又是东巴艺术的组成部分,它处于文字发展的童年期,其永远的象形意味弥漫着诗情画意,是一种“诗性”文字。本文还从地理优势、民族性格和宗教情怀等三个方面探讨了东巴艺术神性空间和诗性表现的文化原因。%Dongba art is an artistic treasure and precious cultural heritage of the world created by the Naxi ethnic group,and has its origin in Dongba religion of the Naxis.Dongba religion has the ele-ments of primitive religion and is a multi-deities religion with God of Nature at the center.This reli-gion is related to more than 2,400 deities and spirits with their own features.Without actual models from the reality,the Dongba artists have created the images of these deities and spirits with some irra-tional feature,thus,a typical poetic creation.They believe in animism and have outstanding imagina-tion and strong feelings as well as divine craftsmanship in their artistic creation.Dongba pictographs are both Dongba written characters at the initial stage and Dongba art with a poetic taste.This paper also discusses the cultural implications of the deity and poetics of Dongba art from the perspectives of the geographical vantage point,ethnic features and religion-loaded feelings.



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