首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >基于技术-文化观的我国非营利组织特质构建途径分析--以20世纪20年代晏阳初“平民教育会”为例




Adopting a “tech-cultural”model,this paper discusses the role of the spirit and value of NPO in its peculiarity-related construction,and concludes that the fusion of marketing skills and or-ganizational culture exerts a far-reaching influence on the peculiarity-related construction of NPO. This case study reveals that the Society of Mass Education in the history of China on the basis of the peculiarity-related construction of NPO integrated marketing skills with organizational culture,and realized an organic integration of instrumental rationality with value rationality.In a certain sense, this case study is a kind of breakthrough in Max Weber's dichotomy of instrumental rationality and value rationality,and reveals the semantic consistency of the two kinds of rationality,which can shed some light on the construction of NPO with Chinese characteristics and the institutional improvement of our social administration.%文中试图用基于“技术—文化观”的模型解答非营利组织的精神实质和价值理想在其特质构建中的地位和作用问题,并强调营销技术手段与组织文化的融合对非营利组织特质构建具有深刻影响。通过案例研究,论文提出中国历史上的中华平民教育促进会在非营利组织特质构建上将营销技术手段与组织文化相互渗透,从而实现了工具理性和价值理性的有机融合。这在一定程度上突破了韦伯关于工具理性和价值理性二分的论断,反映了两种理性行动具有语义一致性。分析结论对建设符合中国国情的非营利组织以完善社会治理体系有现实启迪。



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