首页> 中文期刊>云南行政学院学报 >析论新中国民族教育政策对云南跨境民族国家认同的建构




构建国家认同是民族教育政策的重要政治功能.新中国的民族教育政策在构建跨境民族的国家认同上,在制度保障、 基本原则、 价值目标上均超越了南京国民政府的边地教育.新中国成立初期,民族教育政策的主要职能是巩固党在边疆的执政基础.政策以民族平等、 民族团结、 各民族共同繁荣发展为原则,通过有组织地"看"和"听",培养民族干部,促进民族与国家的互动,使中华人民共和国的象征符号入脑入心,使跨境民族在情感上对新中国产生了归属感.改革开放以后,随着民族教育政策在实践中不断完善,新中国成立初期隐而未显的多元一体、 共建、 共享等价值理念,逐渐突显,使跨境民族对国家的认同从情感到理性的转变具有了可能性与现实性.%The primary political function of the national education policy is the national identity. The national education policy of the People's Republic of China are beyond the Nanjing National Government side of the border education in system guarantee,principle of value,value goal and so on. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China,the main function of the national education policy was to consolidate the foundation of our party administrate in the frontier. The national education policy made the symbolic symbol of nation into the heart of the masses through the organized"gaze" and "listening",training cadres from among ethnic minority groups,Interaction between ethnic groups and the state.The People's Republic of China has received with emotional recognition from the transnational ethnic groups. Since the reform and opening up,these values such as unity of pluralistic, building the motherland together,mutual sharing below the early days of People's Republic of China are growing prominence with the continuous improvement of national education policy in practice which made the national identity changed from the emotional to the rational transformation has the possibility and reality.



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