首页> 中文期刊> 《运城学院学报》 >1948年与改革开放后初中英语课程文件对比研究




1948年与改革开放后两个时期的初中英语课程文件均为适应社会变革需要、汲取长期经验教训而颁行的。但改革开放后的相关文件课标结构更加完整、周密、系统,更加重视学生全面素养发展,课程内容更加综合化、目标化、语用化,课程实施的内涵更加丰富,评价也已被纳入英语课程,并逐步形成一套完整体系。%It is known that from the contrast of the English curriculum documents for junior schools in 1948 and those since the Reform and Opening up, both were issued in adaption to the social changes and drawing the long -term lessons, both attach great importance to the three areas such as course objectives, course content and curriculum implementation, and emphasize the " double - base". But since the Reform and Opening up, the structures of the documents have been more complete, thorough and systematic, the comprehensive literacy of students has got more attention ,the course content has been more integrated, targeted and pragmatic, the inten- tion of curriculum implementation has been increasingly enriched, evaluation has been gradually included in Eng- lish curriculum and formed a complete system and teachers have acquired greater flexible space.



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