首页> 中文期刊>烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >正当优先于善--关于正当性与善的伦理学分析




Among all human behaviors, a just conduct and a good act are valuable which deserve us to follow. However, in this process, we may notice that a divergence exists between these two behaviors. In other words, they don’ t always tally with each other perfectly. Therefore, what we discussed legitimacy taking precedence over goodness emphasizes that in our social life, distributive justice should be viewed as a standard for metaphysical philosophy and realistic interests. Certainly the priority of legitimacy does not mean legitimacy is opposite to goodness, not speak of taking legitimacy as an independent one exter-nal from good will. Simply, for their mutual dependency and precondition, in our real practice we em-phasize the preexistence of legitimacy;namely, good will must be subordinated to legitimate regulations. Only when just conduct accords with morality, is it a kind of goodness, also the just conduct and good act of human need to be truly reconciled together.%在人的所有行为中,正当的行为和善的行为都是值得我们去追寻的价值存在的行为。但是,我们在追寻的过程中往往会发现人的正当行为和人的善行为之间存在着歧义性,人的两种行为并非总是契合的统一。我们所讨论的“正当优先于善”即在社会现实生活当中的分配正义原则变成了人们对形而上学的理念和现实利益选择的规范。当然,正当的优先性并非把正当与善相对立,不是把正当视为独立、外在于善的存在,只是在正当与善的关系中,强调正当的先在性,因为正当与善是相互依存、互为前提的,善观念必须服从正当性的规定。只有符合德性的正当行为才是善的行为,人的正当行为和人的善行为需要真正统一起来。



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