首页> 中文期刊>西昌学院学报(社会科学版) >反语运用中的语境与概念转喻探究




反语运用中的语境包括言语交际者的主体因素和运用环境的客观因素,它往往能起到暗示和限制的作用。反语运用涉及到的是整体的部分之间相互转换而产生的转喻,话语p之所以能够转指话语-p,是因为话语p的认知突显度高于话语-p,始源域之所以能够激活目标域,并为目标域提供心理通道,是基于这两个概念实体间的邻近性,话语p与话语-p在语义方面呈现出反向相邻性,说话人运用反语转喻而不直言跟说话人的意图有关,概念转喻是反语意义发生转移的心理必经之路。%Context in the use of irony refers to the subjective factors of verbal communicators and the objective factors of the applying environment. It can usually play the roles of hint and restriction. The use of irony involves the metonymy of mutual transfer between parts to whole. The reason why utterance p can refer to utterance-p lies in the fact that the former is more prominent than the latter. The reason why the source domain can activate the target domain and provide mental access to it is based on the contiguity between the two conceptual objects. Utterances p and-p share opposite-directional proximity in semantics. The fact that speakers use irony instead of speaking directly has something to do with speakers’intentions. Conceptual metonymy is the mental way that must be taken by irony in the course of its meaning transfer.



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