首页> 中文期刊> 《西安文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 >民国十八年关中民间赈济方式解密--司南长篇小说《民国银号》的叙事深度突破




中国是农业大国,饥馑也是一个永恒的主题和回忆。文学艺术作品中关于饥饿主题的叙事与挖掘已经是登峰造极,与饥馑同步展开的是对各种形式赈灾的批判,鲜见对赈灾的赞美和欣赏。司南的长篇小说《民国银号》对民国十八年关中地区的饥馑摒弃了常规化叙事,而是从民间银号经营者的经营行为入手,揭秘式地叙述了一种前无古人后无来者的赈济方式,充分展示了主人公的无限智慧和大爱胸怀,使小说主人公形象丰满深刻,为小说的艺术性增添了极其厚重的分量。此外,小说在对历史隐秘的揭示中深度诠释了人性的善恶美丑,这是小说的又一大亮点。%Since China is an agricultural country, famine is a eternal theme and memory. The famine theme in lit-erature has reached the peak of perfection. There are too many criticism but few appraise to various relieving ways. Instead of normal narration, Si Nan’s novel Old-style Chinese Private Bank starts from the operation of Old-style Chi-nese Private Bank and explores the unprecedented relieving method. The hero in this novel, who has infinite wis-dom and big love, has been written lividly and profoundly and add an extreme weight to its artistry. Another attrac-tion of this novel remains that it gives a profound explanation to the goodness and evilness, beauty and ugliness by revealing the historical secrets.



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