首页> 中文期刊> 《渭南师范学院学报》 >儿童文学翻译的损失与补偿




翻译是不同语言间的文化转换活动,这一活动发生或进行时,造成的损失在所难免,而儿童文学翻译由于阅读受众的特殊性,相较而言,损失的可能性更大,对翻译的要求相应就更为苛刻。要想在儿童文学翻译过程中,既传递好原作意味,又保存原作的形式之美,让翻译损失降到最低限度,是许多译者渴求已久的愿望,也是读者希冀看到的结果。在译前认清翻译损失的可能性并进行积极的补偿,有助于译者实现对作者的尊重,更好地负起对读者的责任,从而产出成功的译作。%Translation is a transculturation activity between different languages , and loss is indispensable in the procedure of this activity.Comparatively speaking, because of the particularity of children ’s literature readers, chances of translation loss are more possibly to happen , which requires more for the translators to do such type of translation .Almost all the translators want to de-liver the original meaning of the author and preserve the form beauty as well , and lower the translation loss to minimum , which is an aspiration longed for by many translators and a result whished to be seen by readers .Recognizing the likelihood of translation loss be-fore translating and making compensation actively is of some help to respect the author and shoulder the readers ’ responsibility .By doing so, a translator may possibly produce a successful translation .



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