首页> 中文期刊> 《渭南师范学院学报》 >马克思主义理论学科的“边缘化”问题




The establishment of the Marxism theory discipline is both the need of promoting the construction of Marxist theory in colleges and universities and further strengthening the study of Marxism in order to provide a strong theoretical basis for guiding ide-ology.Different from other mature disciplines, the Marxist theory discipline is not very clear in the research paradigm, research method and so on, and it is always have no obvious difference with other disciplines which also study Marxism, So that the phenome-non of“hollowing out” and “dissimilation” appeared in some research results, which give some limits to the development of this discipline, and even endanger the“marginalization”.Research how to prevent the Marxism theory discipline from“marginalization”has very important theoretical and realistic significance to the construction and development of Marxist theory.%马克思主义理论学科的成立既是推进高校马克思主义理论建设的需要,也是进一步加强马克思主义研究,为我们的指导思想提供坚实的理论基础需要。不同于其他的成熟学科,马克思主义理论学科在研究范式、研究方法等方面还不十分明确,与其他学科的马克思主义研究没有明显区别也是常态,以至于在研究成果方面出现了“空洞化”和“异化”的现象,这就使得这个学科发展受到一些限制,甚至有“边缘化”的危险,从理论上探究如何防止马克思主义理论学科走向“边缘化”问题,对于马克思主义理论学科的建设和发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。



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