首页> 中文期刊> 《渭南师范学院学报》 >理科师范生创新意识与科研能力培养途径研究




寻求理科师范生创新意识与科研能力培养的有效途径,既是新形势下教学改革的需要,也是"科教兴国"战略和建设"创新型社会"重大治国理念的基本要求.传统教学注重对学生知识的传授,忽视了对学生创新能力和科研能力的培养,因而培养出的学生虽具有较高学历,但工作能力和创新能力较差.为了适应新形势下教学改革的要求,在借鉴国外的成功经验,结合我国高等教育实际的基础上,提出理科师范生创新意识与科研能力培养的有效途径,即在教材中编入研究性习题和历史上该学科有争议和有待解决的问题;在教学中培养学生的创新能力和引入研究性教学模式,开展科技小制作和电子设计大赛,开设创新、科研类课程;改革考核模式;建立长效的制度、考核和评价机制,确保学生创新意识和科研能力的培养与长期实施.%To seek the effective ways of fostering the science students' innovative consciousness and scientific research ability is both the need of teaching reform under the new situation, and the basic requirement about the strategy of rejuvenating the country and building an innovative society.The knowledge imparted to students is emphasized, but the cultivation of student's innovation ability and scientific research ability is neglected.So students cultivated in the traditional teaching are highly educated, but poor work ability and innovative ability.To adapt the requirements of teaching reform in the new situation, from years of teaching experience, the effective ways about the science pedagogical students' innovative consciousness and research capabilities are put forward according to the foreign successful experience and the fact of China's high education, that is incorporated the research exercises, controversial issues and problems left to be solved in history into the textbooks, training students' innovative ability and applying research teaching mode during teaching, carrying out scientific and technological small production and electronic design competition, setting up innovation and research courses, reforming the examination mode, and establishing long-term system, assessment and evaluation mechanisms, ensuring the development and long-term implementation of students' awareness of innovation and research capabilities



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