首页> 中文期刊>东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >二程的道德哲学:在普遍主义与特殊主义之间




There has long been a debate about moral generalism and particularism inthe Western philosophy. The former believes that there are general moral principles for all moral cases while the latter states that there are no so-called general moral principles due to the particularity of each case. Moral reflection aims to decide on specific actions in light of particularity. The Two Chengs, esp., Cheng Yi, found a middle ground where the two concepts are included. They didn't agree generalism on its general moral principles for the reason that one's love for others varies, such as parents, spouse, children, siblings, neighbours, relatives, friends and strangers. On the other hand, they believed that these loves somehow overlap and one's experience in certain relations therefore helps one give and receive affection in other relations.%当代西方哲学出现了道德一般论与道德特殊论之间的争论.道德一般论认为,存在着一些适用于所有特殊情况的一般道德原则,道德思考的任务就是用这样的道德原则解决所有特殊的道德问题.道德特殊论则认为,不存在适用于所有特殊状况的一般原则,因为每一个有关的道德状况都有其不可还原的特殊性,道德思考的任务就是通过对当下的道德状况的特殊直觉发现适合这个特殊状况的道德行动.二程特别是程颐通过理一分殊概念解释的古代儒家的"爱有差等"概念体现了这两种道德学说之间的中间立场.由于他们强调一个人对其父母的爱、对其配偶的爱、对其子女的爱、对其兄弟姐妹的爱、对其邻居的爱、对其亲戚的爱、对其朋友的爱、对其陌生人的爱等等各有其特殊性,他们不同意道德一般论,认为不存在适用于所有情况的一般的道德原则.但同时,由于他们认为所有这些都是爱,因此在它们之间至少存在着一些家族相似性,因此一个人在其中一个方面的爱的经验可以帮助其在别的方面找到恰当的爱的方式.



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