首页> 中文期刊>商丘师范学院学报 >蒙元时期的关羽信仰




学界虽对关羽信仰关注较多,但对蒙元时期的关羽信仰却探讨较少。关羽这一汉人信仰在少数民族统治的蒙元时期同样流行且被广泛信仰;元文宗对关羽的册封虽带有极大的偶然因素,但用意深远;元杂剧的繁荣推动了元代的关羽信仰。对比宋明和元清对关羽信仰的不同利用,可以洞悉他们不同的文化统治策略。%Researchers pay much attention on the the Belief in Guan Yu , but have little attention on that belief of the Mongolian -Yuan .The Han-Chinese Belief in Guan Yu is equally popular and widely distributed in the Yuan dynasty which is donated by the ethnic minorities;Though Yuan wenzong conferred an official title on Guan Yu which is have a great deal of causal factors ,but it re-mains meaningful .With the prosperity of the Yuan Drama ,it promoted the Belief in Guan Yu in Yuan dynasty .By analyzing the differ-ent use of the Belief in Guan Yu between the Song ,Ming and Qing ,Yuan Dynasty , it helps reflect the different cultural domination strategy between han dynasty and chinese dynasty of conquest .



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