首页> 中文期刊>牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >功能对等理论视角下《威尼斯商人》的典故翻译--以朱译本和梁译本为例




As the essence of language,allusion is rooted in a specific culture and has rich connotations.Numerous allusions are used in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice,which enhance the charm of the play but make its translation harder. Functional equivalence translation refers to reproducing the original message in the translated text by the closest natural e-quivalence in terms of meaning and style.From the perspective of the theory,the thesis aims to explore the methods of allu-sion translation under different circumstances by analyzing the allusion translation in Zhu Shenghao’s and Liang Shiqiu’s versions,and to point out that the key to the allusion translation is not only to convey the cultural connotations contained in the allusions to the target readers but also to keep the charm of the original text.%典故是语言的精华,根植于特定文化之中,有着丰富的内涵。莎剧《威尼斯商人》用典丰富,增添了戏剧艺术魅力,但也增加了翻译的难度。从功能对等理论视角,对比研究朱生豪与梁实秋两个中译本的典故翻译,探讨不同情况下典故的译法,指出既传译原作典故的文化内涵又保持原作神韵是典故翻译的关键。



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