首页> 中文期刊> 《数学教育学报》 >农村初中数学教师统计教学观念的调查分析




Although the statistics teaching has developed gradually in the junior middle schools, there is still gap between statistics teaching concept and statistics teaching behavior of the mathematics teachers in the rural junior middle schools. Most mathematics teachers in the rural junior middle schools lay emphasis on cultivating students' statistical thinking, teaching them the methods of conducting and analyzing statistics; while some other mathematics teachers pay most attention to students' calculating, analyzing and inducing ability by teaching them how to solve the statistics problems of average, variance, and probability and so on, regarding statistics teaching as calculating teaching. In order to help students to get high marks in examinations, some mathematics teachers attach great importance to cultivating students' ability of calculating and analyzing, while neglecting students' experiences of collecting and investigating data. If we want to develop the "two basics teaching" into "four basics teaching" in the reality of statistics teaching, we still have a long way to go. As a result, it is necessary to train the mathematics teachers in the rural junior middle schools with the methods of case-based teaching and classroom teaching study, so as to narrow the gap between statistics teaching concept and statistics teaching behavior of the Mathematics teachers in the rural junior middle schools.%中学统计教学的思想观念不断地深入和发展,但农村初中数学教师的统计教学观念还存在一定的"落差".大部分农村初中教师注重培养学生的统计意识,教会学生数据的处理和分析方法,但还有部分教师则注重平均数、方差、事件概率等计算,培养学生的计算、分析和归纳能力,把"统计课"作为"计算课"进行教学.以应试教育为主,以取得考试高分为目的,注重对统计量和概率的计算、统计图表的阅读与分析等,没有让学生经历调查研究、收集数据等过程.在概率统计教学现实中,要从"双基教学"全面发展为"四基教学",还需要有一段很长的路.要加大对农村初中数学教师的培训,采用案例教学和课堂教学研修等方式进行培训,消除农村初中数学教师统计教学观念和教学行为的"落差".



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