


耽美小说虽然是关于男男同性爱恋的文学作品,但与同性恋文学又有着很明显的差异,它更多的是女性作者对男性同性恋爱情的自我想象和审美期待。女性作者在这种想象和期待中描绘了一种纯粹美好的感情状态。然而,在表达对纯爱追求的同时,女性作者却普遍表现出了强烈的厌女情结———被丑化的第三者,被简化的“女朋友”和被雄化的女英雄,这三类女性形象无一不表现着女性作者对女性的冷漠和厌恶。而造成这种厌女倾向的原因,除耽美小说自身的限制之外,最重要的就是男权文化对女性作者的浸淫。%BL novels are mainly about homosexual stories,but they are quite different from homosexual literature. These novels are largely written by female writers to put their own illusions and the aesthetic expectations on the ho-mosexual love.With the imagination and the expectation,they′re drawing a pure and beautiful love state.Howev-er,while in pursuit of a pure love,the female authors generally show a strong misogyny in the BL novels:either the defamed mistresses,or the simplified female friends,or the masculinized heroines,presenting indifference and an-tipathy to the female images in BL novels.The reason why the misogyny emerges is not only that the BL novels are immature,but more importantly is that the patriarchal culture has imposed a profound influence on the females,in-cluding these female writers.



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