首页> 中文期刊>陇东学院学报 >《生命的法则》主题的叙述学分析——叙述视角怎样帮助构建主题




《生命的法则》描写的是一个印第安老人生命最后时期的情景。它表述了在适者生存的法则下,弱肉强食的规律和生命都逃不脱死亡法则的主题,体现了作者深受达尔文适者生存理论的影响,对人生最终结局的悲观和找不到生命意义的绝望感。作者主要以第三人称叙述全文,从印第安老人的视角来观察和回顾;同时,又和一个全知叙述者结合,使读者在身临其境的同时,对主人公的心理活动也有了深入的了解,从而烘托出生命法则的主题。%Law of Life narrates the last period of the life of an old Indian chief. The subject every creature in the world ending up dead, and only the fittest surviving by fighting, manifests itself through the author's skillful narrative techniques. The subject shows the pessimistie attitude of the author towards the life and the desperation he felt when the research for the meaning of life drew a blank, which is due to his belief in Darwinism. The article's strength lies in the application of the third person perspective combined with the omniscient narrative perspective. Most part of the story is narrated from the third person perspective. From this perspective readers perceive the real- ity he confronted and things he experienced in the past. It puts readers in the position of the hero, and enables readers to feel the atmosphere themselves. The author also uses the omniscient narrative perspective to describe the thoughts of the hero, which enables readers to perceive the hero's mind at the same time. And by using the above narrative techniques, the subject of the story shows itself.



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