首页> 中文期刊>陇东学院学报 >语境视角下的大学英语四级考试复合式听写答题策略研究




复合式听写是大学英语四级考试题的一个重要组成组分。在2013年12月最新改革后的大学英语四级考试中,其分值占了整个四级考试题总分值的10%。考生以往在这道题上失分率高,其主要原因是考生把注意力集中于空格本身,而忽略了语境,特别是上下文语境在确定空格处单词或词组的正确形式中所起到的作用。根据考生在考试中经常出现的这一问题,提出了在语境,特别是在上下文语境中做复合式听写题的观点。除了注重语境因素外,还提出了一些其他的辅助性措施。%Compound dictation is an important part in CET4 . In CET4 papers after the CET4 reform in Decem-ber 2013, the score of compound dictation accounts for 10% of the total score. After the investigation of students’ score in compound dictation of CET4, the author finds that students don’t do well in this part mainly because they pay more attention to the blanks and neglect the importance of context and co-text in compound dictation. Accord-ing to the students’ problem in compound dictation, the author puts forward the opinion of emphasizing context and co-text in compound dictation. Except for the importance of context and co-text, the author also provides some aux-iliary strategies to improve the students’ score in compound dictation of CET4.



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