首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience >Excitotoxic lesions of the infralimbic but not prelimbic cortex facilitate reversal of appetitive discriminative context conditioning: the role of the infralimbic cortex in context generalization

Excitotoxic lesions of the infralimbic but not prelimbic cortex facilitate reversal of appetitive discriminative context conditioning: the role of the infralimbic cortex in context generalization




The prelimbic and infralimbic regions of the rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are important components of the limbic cortico-striatal circuit, receiving converging projections from the hippocampus (HPC) and amygdala. Mounting evidence points to these regions having opposing roles in the regulation of the expression of contextual fear and context-induced cocaine-seeking. To investigate this functional differentiation in motivated behavior further, this study employed a novel radial maze task previously shown to be dependent on the integrity of the hippocampus and its functional connection to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell, to investigate the effects of selective excitotoxic lesions of the prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) upon the spatial contextual control over reward learning. To this end, rats were trained to develop discriminative responding towards a reward-associated discrete cue presented in three out of six spatial locations (3 arms out of 6 radial maze arms), and to avoid the same discrete cue presented in the other three spatial locations. Once acquired, the reward contingencies of the spatial locations were reversed, such that responding to the cue presented in a previously rewarded location was no longer rewarded. Furthermore, the acquisition of spatial learning was probed separately using conditioned place preference (CPP) and the monitoring of arm selection at the beginning of each training session. Lesions of the PL transiently attenuated the acquisition of the initial cue approach training and spatial learning, while leaving reversal learning intact. In contrast, IL lesions led to a significantly superior performance of spatial context-dependent discriminative cue approach and reversal learning, in the absence of a significant preference for the new reward-associated spatial locations. These results indicate that the PL and IL have functionally dissociative, and potentially opposite roles in the regulation of spatial contextual control over appetitive learning.
机译:大鼠内侧前额叶皮层(mPFC)的前缘和下缘区域是边缘皮质-纹状体回路的重要组成部分,接受来自海马(HPC)和杏仁核的会聚投影。越来越多的证据表明,这些区域在调节上下文恐惧和上下文诱导的可卡因寻求表达方面起相反的作用。为了进一步研究动机行为中的这种功能差异,本研究采用了一种新颖的放射状迷宫任务,该任务先前被证明依赖于海马体的完整性及其与伏隔核(NAc)壳的功能连接,以研究选择性兴奋性毒性损伤的作用对奖励学习的空间语境控制的影响。为此,对大鼠进行了训练,使其对在六个空间位置中的三个位置(六个迷宫径向臂中的三个臂)中呈现的与奖励相关的离散线索产生判别性响应,并避免在其他三个空间中呈现相同的离散线索位置。一旦获得,空间位置的奖励偶然性就被逆转,使得对先前奖励位置中呈现的提示的响应不再受到奖励。此外,在每个训练开始时,使用条件性位置偏爱(CPP)和监视手臂选择来分别探究获取空间学习的方法。 PL病变暂时减弱了初始提示方法训练和空间学习的获得,而完整地保留了逆向学习。相比之下,IL病变导致空间上下文相关的判别提示方法和逆向学习的显着优越性能,而对新的与奖励相关的空间位置没有明显的偏好。这些结果表明,PL和IL在功能性上相互分离,并且在调节对竞争性学习的空间上下文控制中可能具有相反的作用。



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