首页> 中文期刊> 《丽水学院学报》 >含泪的微笑--解读《呼兰河传》文本内的叙事张力




《呼兰河传》是萧红写于生命之尾的一部作品。她以悲剧性的生命体验,着力于故土的景物人的书写,表达了她对呼兰河小城的追忆和回顾。萧红以成人与儿童的双重叙事视角,欢乐与凄凉的情感基调,明净与阴暗的文本色彩,展示了一幅幅明暗交织的生存图景。文本叙事元素的多重变奏使得文中的叙事充满了耐人寻味的张力,拓展了文本的审美意蕴的同时,也给予读者丰富的审美想象,传达了不尽之意。%The Biography of Hulan River was written by XIAO Hong towards the end of her life. Based on her tragic life experience and focusing on the scenery,matters and perople of her homeland,she expressed in this work her nostalgia to Hulan River. She depicted in the work the bright and gloomy survival pictures from the dual perspective of a kid and an adult in a emotional tone mingled with happiness and sorrow. The multiple variations of the narrative elements filled the work with intriguing narrative force,not only expanding the aesthetic implication of the text but also providing its readers a rich space for aesthetic imagination.



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