首页> 中文期刊>聊城大学学报(社会科学版) >从人道主义到人之死:福柯话语理论的一个重要主题




福柯的话语理论描述了一个另类的历史场景:人道主义不仅是一个巨大的谎言,更是一个无边的陷阱。人道主义是话语权力编织出的修辞幻象,它不是通向人的幸福,而是导致了“人之死”。从一个方面看,“人之死”是人类文明进程中的悲剧,是启蒙理性对人的全面异化,人就像沙滩上的一副面孔将被波浪抹去,这也正是“后现代”境况中人类生存困境的写照;但从另一个方面看,“人之死”又转化为一幕喜剧,以冷酷的姿态嘲弄了包括自由、正义、责任等在内的人道主义谎言。从考古学到系谱学,福柯还原了话语的修辞过程,揭示了历史理性的荒诞,将人该如何生存的问题推向前台。%Foucault’s discourse theory describes a different sort of historical scene: humanitarianism is not only a great lie, but also a boundless trap. Humanitarianism is a rhetoric illusion which is made up by discourse power, and instead of guiding people to be happy, it leds to“death of man”. From one side, “death of man”is a tragedy in the process of human civilization, for it is the result that man is completely alienated by enlightenment reason. In that case, man looks like a face in the sand will be erased by waves, which is just the reflection of human’s survival predicament in the“postmodern”situation. But from the other aspect,“death of man”is also transformed to be a comedy which coldly laughed at the humanitarianism lies including freedom, justice, responsibility and so on. From archeology to genealogy, Foucault restores the process of rhetoric words, and reveals the absurd of the historical reason, so as to put forward the problem: how to survive the life.



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